Front page - "Save the unit that helped my son"

I recently visited Leeds General Infirmary children's heart unit to interview a family there that would be affected if it was one of the units to close as part of the NHS's review of children's heart surgery provision across the UK. I went back for another issue of the Asian Express to speak to mother Nasreen Akhtar Suleman whose 14-month-old son Shayaan Ali is being treated there. Nasreen is another parent that is campaigning to stop the unit from closure. She travels from Halifax every day to be with her son and if she was forced to travel any further it would be very disruptive to her and her family's lives.

"It has been a very difficult time and the doctors have said he is not going to make it many times. Adding to this with the worry that unit may close has not helped and there are many families in the same situation that come here every day to visit their sick children," she told me.

To read the full article, click here and read the front page and page 4.

Front page - "Save the unit that helped my son"
Front page - "Save the unit that helped my son"